Artist Dates: Color Swatching

The first time I ever heard of an artist date was in 2005 when I was reading the Artist Way by Julia Cameron. If you haven’t heard of Artist Dates I share what they are and some of my favorite kinds of Artist Dates on this post. They don’t have to be elaborate… In fact, you can organize one at home like I did here.

I’ve been wanting to swatch out my acrylic paints for a while, but for some reason I always feel like I shouldn’t spend time on it. Like my time would be better spent on something else. Which is a curious thing since it would be so helpful and would save me time when choosing palettes for my work. But, nonetheless, I put it off.

Until this week. I had been itching for a little Artist Date, a bit of time to work on something just for me.

I started by looking for some blue and green color inspo and remembered Demelza Krens ig account. Color candy for your eyes!

Once I chose some images, I put a timer on and got to it. I do keep track of colors in my journals or on sheets of paper, but this time I wanted to have them on individual cards so I could manipulate them. Being able to move them around is helpful when choosing palettes.

I plan to continue doing this periodically. Especially when starting a new series in order to keep track of the colors I’m using and enjoying the most. I plan to punch some holes in these and keep them on a key ring.

Do you swatch your paints. If so, how do you keep track or save them?

Theresa P-TanComment