My Summer Reading List
Does anyone else have stacks of books all over the house just waiting to be read? Well, It’s July and I decided I’d create a summer reading list, and then share that list here to keep me accountable. I’ve chosen 4 books in a variety of genres to read over the summer.
They’re each quite different and satisfy my varied interests…
I believe I came across A Secret History of Witches on instagram so I was totally “influenced” on this one. BUT who doesn’t love a witch story (or vampire story for that matter) AND, I love historical fiction so check and check.
Now for some blissful escape with Murder at Sea Captain’s Inn. I am love, love, loving this cozy mystery series written by my friend Melissa Bourbon. It’s set in the Outer Banks of North Carolina, so it’s a perfect summer beach read. Grab a glass of rosé and get lost in this tale of murder and bibliomancy! You can follow along Melissa’s writing adventures here and find more of her books at .
Next up non-fiction, Finding Latinx: In Search of the Voices Redefining Latino Identity. I first heard the term Latinx about 3 years ago while teaching at an art camp in Durham. One of the instructors asked me if I identified as Latinx. ??? I had no idea what she was talking about. This term is everywhere now and there are debates on both sides about being defined as Latinx. I’m still not sure where I stand and am hoping this book will shed some new perspectives on this ongoing conversation.
My last title in this edition of Currently Reading is this gigunda book, Ninth Street Women. It is over 700 pages long with a whopping extra 200 pages for the acknowledgements, notes, bibliography and index (the index ends on page 927!). The research is commendable! I’m reading and re-reading it in sections, and loving it so far. I started it in November 2021 and then put it down and never picked it up again. I am determined to finish it by September!
So I challenge you to grab a little stack of books you’ve been meaning to get to and make a plan. One book a week or every two weeks? You decide. Happy reading!