Daily Routines


Ask any teacher and they’ll tell you how awful a day is when they haven’t properly had the time to settle the kids in in the morning. Greeting each other, knowing how to unpack and how to use their time while everyone else is settling in, being on the rug for morning meeting at the same time every day, reviewing the schedule, etc. These are routines we practiced from day one in September.

It was the same with non-negotiables. Those things that took priority and always had to get done. These expectations and routines gave us a sense of stability and a framework that helped to set us up for success. It made our environment feel safe and enjoyable to learn in. The rest of the year went more smoothly because of it.

Today these routines look different for me, but they work towards the same thing. Keeping me rooted (especially with the relentless bombardment of noise in this world) and winning MY day (I get to choose what that means for me)…

My Morning Routine:

  1. Drinking lemon water: I’ve found that I am more dehydrated as I’ve gotten older so I start the morning with drinking 16 oz. of water with the juice of half a lemon.

  2. Taking a walk with Charlie: This became a non-negotiable because it wasn’t about me. It’s was about his needs. But, I benefit from it and now I’m so used to it I can’t start my day or eat breakfast without some kind of walk or cardio first. It helps get all of my gears in motion, physical and mental.

  3. Having overnight oats for brekkie (3-4x a week). The other days are usually some kind of eggs and whole wheat english muffin. Waffles, omelets, etc are treat days. 

  4. Coffee & Tackling the three most important work tasks of the day.

Most days:

  1. Journaling: This is still a challenge when things are busy, but I try to incorporate journaling into my schedule a few times a week. This could be gratitude journaling, mixed media sketches, taking art notes for future projects….

  2. Reading in the evenings.

  3. Listening to a podcast or audio book. I do this while on the Elyptical or when I’m driving.

Things that help me stay on track of my goals:

  1. I put my walk and journaling on my agenda every day to remind me that these are a priority. 

  2. I set a timer for things like daily journaling and admin tasks. This helps keep me focused. I know I can sustain my attention for 30 minutes, an hour, etc. I usually want to continue what I’m doing after the timer goes off which is great if it’s something I’ve been procrastinating that needs to get done, but not so good if it’s because I’m playing with paint and avoiding less fun to dos!

  3. I plan my week ahead on Fridays, just like I used to when I was an elementary school teacher. Then I can focus on home to dos/chores and spending time with Lim, family and friends on the weekend.

  4. The first thing I do every Saturday morning after brushing my teeth is start the laundry. It’s usually folded and put away by mid-day.

  5. Sundays are for syncing our week, meal planning & doing the food shop. We also do a review of our week and how it went. It’s been a really great way for Lim and I to connect on a deeper level.

  6. Sundays are also for our weekly budget review which surprisingly has been fun! I always think twice before buying anything even coffee (I do love my Nespresso at home :) And, It’s really exciting when we come under budget 😂.

Phew, that’s a lot! Did this all happen overnight? Were all of these put in place at the same time? No way. Some were always part of my routine even before I got married, like laundry on Saturdays. Others, like my morning walks, came later. Once one thing was in place, then I added another. Right now, it’s lifting weights a few times a week (because getting older, peri menopause), and creating better sleep routines like taking magnesium, and no technology an hour or two before bedtime.

 Having routines keeps me rooted and helps keep my anxiety and stress levels low. Is this how every week/day goes without fail? Nope, not at all. Things will always come up in life and it’s best to be flexible in those instances, but these routines are what I strive for. They are the things that keep me feeling grounded, healthy and happy.

THINK: Take some time to think about your routines and rituals. What works for you? What would you like to add? How would you incorporate something new into your daily schedule?

Theresa P-TanComment