A Winter Journal
The days are starting to get shorter and colder. Winter will be here soon… And as I have gotten older, I’ve come to really appreciate this season. It is the perfect time for reflection, quiet, and slowing down.
It is also the perfect season for journaling, as I found out a couple of years ago. I had always been attracted to nature journals, but didn’t want to be discouraged by the feeling of having to have perfect pages with beautiful illustrations like so many nature journals I had seen. So, I began to gather what I already had, and I started to think about the things I gravitated towards. I found a way to journal that suited me and still honored the essence of the season.
My winter journal spreads are filled with layers of paint, texture, collage, trees, sky, clouds, some drawing and lots of writing. I choose what interests me in the moment. What feels right to me. It’s interesting to me to see how these pages evolve. I’m looking forward to delving into them again in a few weeks.
Do you keep a journal practice? I'd love to know what treasures you keep in them. Maybe, one day soon, we can journal together :)