21 Days in my Art World

I’m joining @taraleaver ‘s #21daysinmyartworld challenge on Instagram this year, and I’m sharing the first seven days here on the blog :)

I participated in 2020, 2021 & 2023. I find that it’s a great way to reflect on my art, and to practice articulating different aspects of the creative process (which is a challenge for me & a lot of us me thinks). Have you heard of this challenge? Have you ever joined?

Day 1 Favorite Painting:
It’s starting to become harder to choose, but I do love this one titled “Road trip” from my group show at FRANK Gallery last summer.

There’s a bit of whimsy and fun in it…

A tiny hint of Cy Twombly.

I love the colors…

and I enjoy road trips!

I think it encompasses a few of my favorite things, so it’s fitting that it would be chosen.

Day 2 Lesson Learned:
The two minute rule & mastering the habit of showing up from Atomic Habits by James Clear. Showing up to do the things I promised myself even if I only have a few minutes. In exercise, making art, journaling, taking Charlie for a walk… I highly recommend this book!

Day 3 Latest Work In Progress:
Currently It’s my winter journals. This will be the third year that I dedicate January to creating pages and spreads inspired by my morning walks and the quiet and stillness of this season (but if you snoop through my studio, there’s always more than one wip going on).

Day 4 Art Books:
Anything abstract or abstract expressionist. I found these two treasures a couple of weeks ago at The Strand in NYC. It was a quick stop to this book shop (about 20 minutes), but I could have stayed in there for hours.

The first book is a catalog from a 2015 exhibition with works by Lee Krasner and Norman Lewis (had never heard of him). The second, talk about judging a book by its cover, is also a catalog of art by another artist I had never heard of, Jonathan Lasker (is he familiar to you?).

I’m looking forward to diving into these.

Day 5 Favorite Tool:
Currently, it’s a Q-tip 😂

Day 6 Current Challenge:
Honestly I’m slooow and I’d love to go back to the days of blogging and slightly less/slower consumption of media. My challenge is to stay focused, simplify and go at the speed I feel comfortable navigating this world in. #oldfashioned

Day 7 Color Palette:
Always blue and green, but in winter neutrals and earth tones make a big appearance. Burnt sienna, red oxide, raw umber 🙌🏼

So that’s where I’ve gotten so far. I will continue to post “21 Days in my Art World” on Instagram (Day 8 should be up). You can click here to see what’s next.

Theresa P-TanComment